About the Postcard Collective
To send a postcard in the Digital Age is a simple, yet grossly underestimated gesture. It’s an acknowledgement that other people exist in the physical universe; what’s more, a postcard expresses a desire to reach out and connect with other individuals, no matter how great the distance might be between sender and recipient. The physicality of such an object - hand-scribbled notes, clumsily placed postage stamps, damage incurred in shipment - carries a rich narrative and establishes a profound, interpersonal connection that simply cannot exist in cyberspace.
As members of the Postcard Collective, we find many forms of value in making postcards for each other. They provide us with a new audience for our artwork; they challenge us to think differently about our studio practice; they serve as an opportunity to test new ideas and, in turn, inform our artistic endeavors outside the Collective. While we continue to participate in The Postcard Collective for different reasons, we are all driven by an undeniable human need to connect with others and stretch the limits of our creativity.
Our Mission
Motivated by an intrinsic human desire to share experience, our mission is to build and maintain a network of individuals who seek to share their art with each other in the form of postcards, to open up a direct line of communication between artists, and to promote a sense of camaraderie and connectedness throughout the Collective.
Members of the Postcard Collective are automatically accepted into our seasonal postcard exchanges. Active members are also given the opportunity to participate in ancillary collaborative projects and exhibitions whenever possible.
Active membership is reserved for those who commit to participate in at least two of the Collective’s exchanges per year.
Artists are invited to become active members once they have demonstrated a commitment to the project through participation in at least two exchanges.
To be considered for participation in the next exchange, please submit the entry form on our Call to Artists page.